Let's get ready! This week and next is practice week!
Please post story ideas, thoughts about the stories you are currently working on or comments about what's going on with Eagle TV.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
New News!
Let's get ready! This week and next is practice week!
Monday, November 15, 2010
In what ways are you lucky?
Of course, 'tis the season to give thanks. It's predictable that every year about this time, people ask, "what are you thankful for?" But, I'm going to ask it a different way: In what ways are you lucky?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Cobb County Short Movie Extravaganza
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Self-Motivation/Rewards Later
I always thought that Eagle TV was somewhat insulated from the spoils of regular public education. The students who have come through my (no longer existing) double doors have been driven, motivated, excited journalism students who can't wait to sink their teeth into a good story and do their best; if only for personal satisfaction and nothing else. But, alas, things have changed.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sports News....
This blog appeared in part on the HTV Magazine Blog for Hillcrest High School and it contains information that I'd like you all to know. This was written by Dave Davis, broadcasting teacher at Hillcrest High School.
Football is Fun, Football is NEWS
Posted by davis on 04 Sep 2010 | Tagged as: Classroom, True Stories, The Story
"School is back in session and that means high school football takes center stage on Friday nights. Too bad, because in our town, that often means mediocrity gets the spotlight.
We have five public high schools in Springfield, MO. In years past, we have had our success stories. Some excellent teams have put together great seasons, but we have not had a state champion yet in the sport that dominates the headlines every September, October and November. And lately, it’s been ugly.
Here is the thing with football. It costs a lot of money. It brings in a lot of money. It involves a LOT of kids. Think team, band, cheerleaders, pep squads, dance teams, and so on. It is the ultimate squeaky wheel. A lot of people have an investment in the sport.
Another thing we TV teachers know. Football is one of the absolute best sports to cover. So many great visuals, so much wonderful sound, so much emotion. I just wonder if we actually “cover” our football teams like we cover other news topics. I mean, that is what a football game is. It’s a news event. People come together, things happen, and some go home happy, some go home disappointed. Money is involved, taxpayers’ money. The games bring in money, but it still takes our tax dollars to turn on the “Friday Night Lights.”
From what I have observed, high school TV shows rarely scratch beneath the surface of the game being covered. We get caught up in the action, the emotion, the school pride, and avoid practicing “journalism” at any cost. When is the last time our kids asked tough, but fair questions about the team, or the game? It almost never happens.
While we preach to our kids the importance of objectivity in journalism, where does objective news coverage go when it comes to the school football team? How long can losing seasons and poor participation continue to be ignored by the school NEWScast? Is your district pouring money into football when it may involve only 30 or 35 players, while it ignores classrooms with outdated technology, leaky roofs, a textbook shortage, or a library in need of a serious update? Those things impact your entire student body every day, not just on Friday night.
I challenge you, this fall, to teach your kids to cover football, and all sports, like you would cover anything else. Avoid tip-toeing around issues that deserve to be examined, questions that need to be asked.
If your school journalists continue to ignore serious issues related to sports in general, they might as well wear team jerseys when they anchor your show."
Recently, Shonda had an opportunity to "run with the pros" by shadowing the Marietta Daily Journal videographer during a Friday night football game. She got some of the best shots that have ever come back to Eagle TV after a weekend game. She observed storytelling by videocamera firsthand. So...what stories can you produce at a football game? Give me some ideas. Think outside the box and come up with ways to cover the news of sports!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
American Idols in Eagle TV!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Cagle's Family Farm
Monday, August 30, 2010
Expecting the Unexpected (or how to keep from pulling your hair out)
We've had some surprises this semester. How do you keep from going crazy when the unexpected happens? Well, you plan for it....the worst-case scenario. You plan for setbacks. That way, when they happen, it's not such a big deal because you have a back up plan.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wasting Time
Allow me this observation before you accuse me of being critical; I noticed this week that you're wasting time. What I'm talking about is that instead of chewing on your stories to see what they are made of, you're spending time viewing them from afar. As a result, many of you....halfway into your allotted time before deadline...have decided to change stories.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Welcome 2010-2011 School Year
Welcome to another great year of Eagle TV! This year will be full of exciting and innovative stories and shows!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Cliche' Advice from Your Video Production Mom...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
How Influenced by others are you?
Interesting story on Dateline NBC tonight. The title of the show was "What Were You Thinking" and it was all about a few social experiments that tried to prove that most people will follow a crowd, despite feeling that it may be risky or not the right thing to do.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Be the Change You Want to See in the World...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Dreams and Aspirations
Let's talk about something that's doesn't have anything to do with Video Production lessons. We will be completely immersed in it for the next 6 weeks, so I thought I'd give you a short break and start off the last few weeks of the school year talking about.... dreams.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Spring Break
Friday is the last day before spring break. When we return, we will have about 30 days of the school year left. If I think I've had a hard time motivating you up until now, just wait until April 12th!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What Will You Make of It?
Time is blowing by. Before long, many of you will be walking across a stage and shaking hands with our principal and dreaming big dreams. Eagle TV will be in your rearview mirror and the image will get smaller and smaller. Although, hopefully, it will never disappear!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Suitcase in the Middle of the Road
I am copying a link to an article from one of my favorite authors, Hollis Gillespie. She lives in Atlanta and has an amazing way with words.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Reinventing Television News
I can't tell you how many times I've heard a student say that they don't watch TV news or read a newspaper is because it's boring. Well, in many cases, I agree. I mean, after all, how many different times can we hear about a traffic jam, murder, fire, robbery, city council meeting, taxes, politicians, social security, homelessness, joblessness....you get the idea. Television news is often a steady stream of predictable stories, with predictable soundbites and predictable endings, often far removed from our own reality as students.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The order of things....
There is order to the world. I'm not talking about the precise angles and cubes that a crystal forms or the fact that the earth orbits and tilts around the sun which gives us days and nights and seasons, over and over again.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tell a story with sound
I wrote about Natural Sound (Nat Sound) back in September, but I want to revisit it with you. News stories that are told only with Nat Sound and no VO are very powerful because the viewer feels more like he/she is IN the story.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Perfection is not necessary....yet.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
On your mark, get set.....GO!
The beginning of a new semester and the new year does wonders to erase the past, start anew and motivate us to begin with a clean slate. Whether it's because you have a New Year's Resolution or you just promise yourself that you'll do better....here's your chance!