Monday, November 15, 2010

In what ways are you lucky?

Of course, 'tis the season to give thanks. It's predictable that every year about this time, people ask, "what are you thankful for?" But, I'm going to ask it a different way: In what ways are you lucky?

We all have plenty to be sad and upset about. In my case, I have a good friend my age who is suffering through brutal cancer treatments that probably won't cure him. I'm not the (rich and famous) writer I had dreamed I'd be at this point in my life, I have terrible headaches that have plagued me since I was 15, I don't have enough money to travel like I had hoped in my adult life and I my body doesn't look or feel like it used to.

But, I'm lucky that I have relatively good health, I have many students whom I think the world of and I have a wonderful, healthy family. I still have time to write that book and I am lucky to have a comfortable home and a steady income. I have many close friends and I can find humor in a lot of things.

As far as work goes, I have a job that I enjoy, I get to play with cool editing and videography equipment, my students make me laugh (most of the time) and I look forward to what's in store for Eagle TV. I also have lots of colleagues who happen to be my friends and I have been very lucky to have seen many of my students succeed and care enough about my role in their life to come back to tell me of their successes.

Now, it's your turn. Talk about what you feel lucky about in your life, both personally and with school. Don't end by telling me...tell your family and your friends too.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Luck... It's one of those things that I'm never too sure about. My luck comes from my mishaps and my haphazard ways, as do most of the greats in our country. However on the other end of the stick my luck is also coincided with my destiny. Luck and destiny have brought me to my family for which I am forever grateful that I have. Luck and destiny have also brought about changes that, at the time didn't seem so hot, have made me an overall better person inside and out. I am very lucky to have this school and class to teach me my life lessons, for as I grow older I find that I should be paying much more attention to things that I didn't when I was younger. I am also very lucky to have grown up to be the well rounded young man I am that walks through that back door every morning and looks to the brighter side of things and hopes to put a smile on every ones face (with the help of Kori of course).

  2. I guess we can all find SOMETHING to feel lucky about. Hey, we're lucky to even be alive (even though sometimes we feel like we want to die).
    I am lucky that I have a mom, because I realized that there are a lot of people out there who don't. I am lucky to be able to graduate with a pretty high GPA and get into a college that I actually want to go to. I am lucky to have friends that love me and care for me, especially my BEST friend, because she has told me numorous times that she loves me more than she loves herself. I am lucky to be in good health, and I am lucky to be surrounded with love.
    We can probably all say we have these things and for that, we are all lucky. When you really sit down and think about what you're lucky about, it makes you a lot more thankful.

  3. Krisanne Patrick said....
    I am very grateful for my family, friends, life and the blessings God has brought to my life. I am very thankful for having great classes at South Cobb high that keep my interest going.
    -Krisanne Patrick

  4. Well i feel lucky about changing my attitude. because i didnt have no good attitude at all and i was failing all my classes and getting in trouble everyday by talking back to my teachers. i feel like if i didnt change my attitude i would not be where iam today. so i really feel very lucky for changing my attitude on my own.
    -kemberlee pierre

  5. Well umm . i feel lucky about having a caring family. I can go to my family for anything. I lucky for the lord to let me be able to save money now because i use to waste lots of money on shoes and clothes but now I care less about clothes. I feel lucky for having such close friends and my girl. most all i feel lucky for music and gittng the opportunity to besigned.

  6. I'm Lucky to be able to wake up in the morning come to school and play football like a beast

  7. im definitely thankful for being in my right mind! im thankful for my parents, because they adopted me when I was a baby. Im thankful for my home, clothes, money, food, and my education. Last but not least im thankful that I can be my own independent person and my my own decisions!

  8. Im happy that i have my friends and family because they keep my going. make my day better. Thats where my luck comes in at. Lol

  9. I'm lucky to be able to come to school every morning and get an education.


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