Monday, May 10, 2010

Cliche' Advice from Your Video Production Mom...

You're going to get plenty of advice your entire life, but at graduation time the advice seems to be free-flowing and generic. I'm going to give you some of my own advice, based on what you've learned in BVP. Whether you're graduating or I see you again next year, remember these words:

1. You are more marketable when you know as much as you can. Know everything about editing, shooting, producing, Final Cut Pro, Live Type, Photoshop, etc. You should know a lot of this already and if you don't, you weren't listening or learning on your own. (Learn everything you can in life. You never know when you'll need to use that knowledge.)

2. I've told you before, that every video you do should be the best that you can do...every time. Your name will be on every project you turn in, every sentence that is uttered from your mouth and every action that you do. (Do your best, always.)

3. If you get so wrapped up in your video that you find yourself so put off that someone criticizes a part of it, you're too invested in your work. You will be disappointed throughout your life if you become unwilling to accept any constructive criticism about something that you do. Distance yourself a little from your work to let in another, maybe better, idea. (Don't be married to your work.)

4. I've always been impressed by your ability to not be shy to ask me for anything. Like, going out to your car to get your cd's or doing homework in MY class for another class that you failed to do over the weekend or give you Outside Project credit for just "being" at the football game standing near the camera, but, in the words of the Rolling Stones, "you can't always get what you want." (Ask for what you want, but expect won't ever be disappointed.)

5. Don't expect to be a perfect editor/shooter/producer/reporter if you haven't studied or practiced. Don't even pretend to be. There will always be someone better than you and you will always be better at some things than others. You have to practice your craft. Even when you don't have a video project to work on, you should be playing with the edit machine to learn more. Additionally, you won't make a lot of money right out of school in your career, nor will you have a top-level job. You will most likely have a job that entails writing something for your boss, getting him or her coffee or making the phone calls that he or she doesn't want to make. You may have to work the odd hours that no one else wants. (Work for what you get.)

6. Remember that I am always the boss in the classroom. I get to make the rules and you get to follow them. That's the hierarchy. When you grow into a place of authority in your career or your life, you can make the rules. In the meantime, remember that I (and others who love you) have your best interests in mind when we say "no" or that we have a better idea. Enjoy the guidance. (Love your parents and family and those who help you.)

7. Getting along together is always a good job skill. You don't get to pick your classmates any more than you get to pick your family. You must still get along with everyone. I've always told you that working in a group takes skill and you must have a well-developed sense of empathy. You must treat each other's feelings gently and with care, as you would want to be treated. Involve others by encouraging, smiling and starting civil conversations about your ideas and thoughts. As much as Eagle TV is a family, I certainly hope you keep in touch with each other and me forever. (Cherish your friends and be a good friend to others.)

8. There are times in Eagle TV where we evaluate each others' work. It's an exercise in developing our sense of stepping away from our videos and looking at them from a fresh eye. Most of us have very definite ideas about what looks good in a video or sounds right in a story idea. We have to communicate with each other and be kind in order that we don't hurt others' feelings. But we always want others to know that we feel strongly about something...for instance a certain way to shoot a story or a certain angle or story idea that we think is great. (Be soft in your criticisms of others and but hard in your convictions.)

9. Some of the best videos I've seen you guys turn in are videos in which you took a chance on something unusual or on yourself. You must experiment and not every idea works, but some hit spot on. Although your deadlines loom, allow yourself enough time to experiment and try something new. Challenge your comfort zone and step out of your box every now and then. (Go out on a limb every once in a while.)

10. I've always wanted you to challenge yourself and work hard on every project. One of my favorite sayings with you is that if "you aren't working as hard as me, you're not working hard enough." You are studying a field FULL of hard-core, go-getters. People who will do anything to secure a spot in broadcasting. You MUST keep up. (The race of life is very competitive and you must run fast just to keep up with the guy running next to you.)

11. If you like a story idea and it's do-able, do it! Put 100% into your interviews, your shooting, your editing, your writing, etc., but stick with it. Don't give up. If you originally thought it was a good idea and it caught your interest, than there must be something to it. Put your all into it until it's done. Don't let anyone else discourage you. See #8 above. (Follow your dreams.)

11. Smile a lot!

There are more lists of advice, but I'm going to copy one that I think is a good one. Take what you want a leave the rest, but know that many people have experienced many things that yo haven't and they may have a perspective that you don't have...yet. Don't be so caught up in yourself that you forget to listen to others.

With that, I want to hear you. Tell me some advice that I can take with me into next school year or into my future. Give me some perspective that I don't have about myself. Tell me what I should or shouldn't do next year, over the summer, or when I move on to another adventure. Give me advice I should know about me, about my teaching style, about the way I motivate you, about my relationships with you, about how I influence you. Tell me what advice I need to do better or what I do that's good and need to develop or tell what to never change. But, be gentle. :-)


  1. I have met with some of your Broadcast one, they do not seem to bad, so the information or advice for the next year would be the same amount of flexibility as this year. also, enjoy those moments of peace that seem to elude, the may not come with frequency but they should be cherished. You would not want to make the headaches worse with unnecessary stress. Good Luck to you next year.

    Stephen Birt

  2. i feel like you are an awesome teacher and you have your flaws just like any other human being ! but i think you should be more aggressive more than lenient . most often times people dont know their boundaries when being a teachers friend than student . just put your foot down and make sure you stand by your word . never let a child , put you in a situation where you feel uncomfotable , because that is your classroom and you should be humble and safe . just make sure you are more a mother than friend ! <3

  3. hey mrs. watson 1st ima miss you and 2nd off there really isn't much to change. but i think you should like get a little tougher on students but you a cool teacher and understanding its just some people try to take advantage of you because of your kindness and loving heart. you teaching styles is the best so far just set boundries and thats just about it mrs.watson. Ima miss you :)

  4. Mrs. Watson you are a very good teacher! But somethings I think you can work better on is helping people learn how to work the edit machines. I know this is a hands on class and we should learn from our classmates but you are the TEACHER and i think you should TEACH us how to work the computer. I like your teaching styles because you dont let us do whatever but you let us work by ourselves and not breathing down my neck. But your a good teacher and I hope you have a good summmer :)

  5. My advice to you is to continue whaty you are doing. You have built a very successful Bradcasting and Video program here at South Cobb and should not change a thing. Stay in tuned with your students the same way as you are now. There is a reason why this program is where it is now.

  6. I think that for the next school year yew should pick groups 4 ya students because if yew allow them to pick who all gon be in their group they pick friends and people they cool with which results to not getting any work done because they will do whatever they do when they always together as a group...example: leaving the class to go get other students and wondering around the halls and having freedom in class and leaving all the work for one student to do but getting credit for it..And one more thing, always make sure yew walk around every 30mins to check on these kids to make sure they doing what needs to be done if not then give them the grade they deserve Simple As That :)

  7. There is not much you should other then to have more order in the class. Tell the class what you want from them, and if they do not meat the deadline fail them on it. It will show them that you are serious; look at us now two days before sneiors last day of school, and were running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to finish this open & close. Its crazy!

    I love your teaching style. Like I already said your like a mom [teacher & care keeper]to us! You protect us like a mother would, and put your foot down like a mother would. I don't think you should ever change that!

    I am going to miss you so much El Watsono! Haha!

    I love you Watson!

    -Michelle Logan <3


  9. Watson you're one of the best teacher's I've had! Your teaching style is the kind that i like: simple and clear. Like i've told you so many times before, I like the feeling of self-accomplishment and I like having you as my motivation, but not too much. I don't know, you know i'm a weird worker. I finish what I need to do, but i'm a MAJOR procrastinator.

    Your teaching is great!

    I love you :)

    <3 Lunna Zamarron

  10. My advice to you Ms. Watson would be to continue to do what you do. They say if it aint broken, dont fix it, and you have obvoulsly done a good enough job to win teacher of the year. I would say continue to teach with that hands on approach because I feel that is affective for alot of kids. Thanks so much for allowing to become more familiar with the broadcasting world, and I will defintely use what I have learned here in the future.
    -Marcus C.

  11. Your first year class should definitely know that the first class is the hardest of them all. Once they decide to return, from then on out their grade will be made up of what they are willing to do to earn it. Your grade represents your dedication and determination at that point. I had to learn that for myself, but I'm sure that they'd appreciate knowing that from the start.

  12. Watson this has been the best 2 years ... in bvp. i love ur class and i love you. many people are saying you need to change the way you teach. watso that aint necessary. you are a great teacher and student only learn to things hands on and watching how to do it. that how i learned i would watch and watch MR COOPER edit. you have been such a great influence to me. We have been through our ups and downs and we all learned from them. my best memory in HIGH School would be this class and of course when we went to FLORIDA!!! that was GREAT!!! Stay Strong WaTsO!! LOVE YOU


  13. There is not much to change about you Ms Watson, you treat your students better than most teachers. Just like Michelle said you teach us more like a mother would do than a teacher. Your way of teaching make me feel like I had accomplished something in your class. Thanks to you I understand what it means to work as a team. Thank you and I hope your next class will recognize your value Like we did.

    I love you
    Jeff Delva

  14. The advice is really good and if the students truly FOLLOW it the show should be great when im not here. You are a great teacher miss watson and it has been a honor and a privelage being your student.

  15. Christina WimberleyMay 15, 2010 at 9:18 AM

    Don't change anything! lol your class was always my favorite and you were always my favorite teacher! i really like how you are good at interacting with us and really connect! you don't make things complicated for us to learn, you make it sound easy :)you motivated me more than i realized.
    Thank you!
    -Christina Wimberley

  16. Ms. Watson you are perfect. You don't need to change anything. Your nice and caring but when we get out of line your harsh like your supposeed to be and that's what makes a good teacher. You know the difference between not being serious and being serious. You were and will always be my favorite teacher and your class will always be my favorite class. :) Don't change anything. Thank you for teaching me all those wonderful things i needed to know and believed that i was capable of doing anything. I believe that next year you will be the best teacher ever once again. :) I really appreciate all the advice you have gave me through out the school year and the advice I just now read. Thank you. :) I love you Watson!

  17. Stay exactly the same in your teaching methods and who you are. There is not much to change about you Ms Watson, you treat your students better than most teachers. We have been through our ups and downs and we all learned from them.


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