Sunday, November 29, 2009

Just tell me one thing....

Coming up with story ideas is easy; it's telling them that's hard.

After all the research and interviews are done with your news story, coming up with the script that will put all that information together in a cohesive tale that flows is difficult. But it's even harder to come up with an interesting story.

Here's how you know if your story is interesting or not...are you telling your viewers something they didn't already know? That's the key. Don't tell me the same old story with a teenage point of view...tell me a new story with interesting facts that I didn't already know, with a teenage point of view. Tell me through the eyes of someone who has experienced it, or give me a perspective I didn't experience before. Do something different!! Make it interesting, visual, engaging. Just tell me one thing I didn't already know. One thing.

Use all the storytelling tools I've taught you for this last story. Surprise, parallel parking, nat sound breaks, silence within the story, etc.

I'm going to ask you to propose your story to me. You will need to complete your story, a separate VO/SOT, a presentation on your best story and quite possibly a documentary. Three weeks is all we have. Get going.

For your response to this blog, I'm going to ask you to tell me what motivates you and what you want to get out of this class this semester. What are you going to improve upon or what do you want to know more about? Be your own advocate for your learning.

With three weeks left in the semester, I'm going to ask you to work harder than you've worked so far this semester. We have a lot to do.

In the meantime, check out this story by Steve Hartman about Unlikely Friends. Some of you have already seen it, but it illustrates what makes a story interesting. Watch it again.


  1. If anything else, I need to improve my imagination and flexibility, because it is becoming hard to find interestng ideas. also, I need to work on how I pull together a package and the detail of it. The thing that bugs me the most though is that when I'm stumped I get bored and tired, so that will be another thing I need to work on.
    -Stephen Birt

  2. what motivates me is he class and the way we help e/o. i love the support they give,our main goal is never give up. out of this semester i want to get out that team work is the best and its very important. i want to improve and learn more about recoring because i want to do something like this in college.

  3. What really motivates me is whatever I can come up with, and if it's worth a good idea. What I want to get out of class this semester is to bring out more brainstorming,improve on it, and more ideas on packages, which can be difficult. Simple as that.


  4. Deandre Garnes (Grim)December 1, 2009 at 8:54 AM

    What motivates me about this class is the fact that i have a chance to improve my skills and get a hands on feel at this profession. I want to be able to go to a college and not have to struggle because i was paying attention to Mrs watsons advice and her lessons. I want to improve my editing skills and to do so im going to inlist the help of someone in a higher level of BVP to show me and give me a better feel of this particular field. Thanks Mrs. Watson this blog really helps with my story idea developing skills.

  5. Motivation . Well the only thing that motivates me is myself. I feel like you shouldn't depend on others to push you because at the end of the day , its still you doing whatever your doing . I know i need to learn how to go out and do things on my own . I can come up with how to shoot certain angles , who to interview , where to interview , how to edit , whats the focus , but when it comes down to it, i lack the self will to actually do it . So i plan to improve on that

  6. The thing that motivates me the most is when i know somethings neeed to be done and i dont want to fail , or get a bad grade helps me focus better and motivates me to finish through .

  7. This year my motivation is for this class is knowing that I have the opportunity to take an advanced broadcastinng class that most students in cobb county dont get to take. As well as you,Mrs.Watson, motivating the whole class to do more than the best we can by showing off our wonderful skills and talents. To improve my work in this class I am trying to think of stories that are not something you hear everyday. I am trying to create stories that tell themselves which is hard to do.

  8. Just the atmosphere of EAGlE TV in general motivates me. I like the way the show is, and how everyone gets along so well. What do I want to get out of this class? The ability to be able to carry on a show, to be able to create a package and to do it successfully, and to be able to be an active member in a group. I want to improve on my interviewing skills and to be able to do an effective job on set. I want to learn more about the Broadcasting industry and what it takes to make it there.

  9. The things that motivate me in broadcasting is to have the best story to be shown on eagle tv and make it to cobb ed tv. By everyone making stories its like a competition for who has the best and this makes you strive for the best package. I will have to improve though, on my timing skills and in my dedication. By doing so it will bring out greater packages. Sorry if we havent been putting up the best packages lately but we will make our last one awesome! lol

  10. What motivates me is getting my work shown on eagle tv and showing that my work is the best.

  11. The thing that motivates me the most is being able to improve my skills in brodcasting. Also, doing well on eagle tv. Putting togeather is one thing I need to improve on in this class. What I expect to get out of this class is being a better writer and more knowledge of the brodcasting field.

  12. What motivete me is myself.Sometimes other people help also.Knowing people belive in me makes me want to do better and prove I can do it.I motivate myself by wanting to do my best.And also proving people wrong,I can do more than what people think.


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