Wednesday, February 25, 2009


When I was a kid, my favorite summers were those when we traveled and that was almost every one. When you have parents who work in the airline industry, that means that you travel a lot.

We'd go to Utah to visit Grandma and Grandpa Slaugh and play in the featherbed in the attic bedroom or find toys in the hidden staircase or float leaf boats down the street after a rain.

We'd go to New Mexico and visit Grandma and Grandpa Heeren and eat hot sopapillas and buy handmade turquoise jewelry from the native American Indians or listen to road runners run across the roof at dusk or ride on grandpa's tractor.

We got to feed horses sugar cubes and dig potatoes at my Aunt Lela and Uncle Bud's house, we went to a family reunion at a beach house in Hilton Head, SC. I've eaten ice cream in Italy and French Onion soup in Paris. Strolled through gardens in the south of France, walked in castles in Austria and danced the night away on a rooftop nightclub in Montreal, Canada. I've been to almost every state in the country and have traveled 12 of them, by car, in 24 days.

Adventure and travel. I LOVE it. I love experiencing something new or hearing about something new. I guess that's why I love journalism so much because you get to experience things that most people don't get to through other people and by meeting other people, in their places. Places that most people don't get to go.

A group of our students got the chance to do a story on the Kangaroo Conservation Center in Dawsonville, Georgia. It was awesome. We did an interview with a really nice, very informative facilities manager, met someone in the gift shop in charge of tours who was super accomodating to us and locked eyes with many different creatures that we had never seen before. Kangaroos, wallabees, wallaroos, blue pigeons, bearded lizards, fan lizards, a rat kangaroo and kookaburras. We heard kangaroos make noises (we didn't know they made noises) and got to see a Joey crawl into a pouch.

We spent several hours getting a behind the scenes, exclusive tour when no one else was on the property. The students who went said it was one of the best stories they've every done, yet they worked harder on this story than they have on any other and they have not even started editing. It was truly an adventure.

Try to find adventures to take people on. I'm not asking you to try to snake (to use an animal analogy) your way in to get a free tour of someplace you'd like to go, but find a story or a place or a feeling that you want your audience to experience. What a distinct honor to be the vehicle with which people can see things, experience things, learn about things, THROUGH YOU!

Try to come up with innovative stories. Things no one has thought of before. Take people on an adventure with you.

Where will your next adventure be????


  1. My idea is not so much an adventure but something that many people at the school don't know about. I was thinking of a behind the scenes story on Eagle TV. Students only see the final product of what we do. They don't know about what happens in the control room or how long it takes for packages to be completed. All they do is turn to channel 5 on friday and watch. I would like them to see how much more goes into what we do and how we do it.

  2. I have know clue were i would want my next adventure to be. I've been thinking for hours and still can't find a reasonable place. I know I want it to be somewhere informational yet fun. Somewhere were know one would think of. That a lot of work goes down behind the sences. I just can't think of WHERE!!!!!!!

  3. My next adventure will hopefully be to the Caribbean, France, or Japan. I would like to experience the creativity of film and video from these places. I wonder about the ideas they come up with for stories, what stories are of interest, and how they engage their audiences. While there I would like to do a documentary on the different versions of their news shows, commercials, tv shows, or movies. I would love to go behind the scenes of these different media areas. Hopefully I will make it there someday soon.

  4. I would love to go to China and Japan because i enjoy their culture and many of the things they have contributed to America. Japan has a lot of media and advertisements and everyone can see it. China and Japan also has a lot of beautiful sights that everyone should see. I would love to show everyone how they live and what they do everyday.

  5. I would love to take an adventure behind the scenes of a major motion picture to show an audience what really goes into making a movie

  6. that last comment was by Terrell Tichenor

  7. this is a very interesting blog...we really dont think about things like this but now that i think about it there is so many places and things that i have yet to experience. i am only 18 and i know that the ADVENTURE has just began.

    My dream is to go to LA and work with the top editors and reporters and to just learn from the best to better my knowledge in the field that i love. the sky is the limit in BVP and im open to anything that comes from it.

  8. I would really love to do some filming in New Zealand. Maybe do some stories of the people and their cultures. Also just to do a story on its natural beauty. The mountains and valleys, the whole landscape is just amazing beyond words. Maybe even just a documentary on the time i spent down there.

  9. I would like to do a story in Tokyo. In my story I would show how it would be just to be a tourist in the city of Tokyo and how different it is than the United States... Between the culture and the beautiful sceneries, I think Tokyo would be a great place to do a story.

  10. I know i am 10 years late but i would love for my next adventure to be in India because they produce more movies a year than any other country. You know they got some good time management skills and everyody knows that i can learn a few tricks for managing my time.

  11. i have no clue if i will have a next adventure, if so i hope it will be going to montana, because there is no one else there and you are all alone


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