Sunday, February 8, 2009

I've come to know that we all have power....

I want to first say that Jocelyn, you're comment hit me hard, but I needed to hear it. I know that I have been so busy, but I really didn't realize that you felt that I was too busy for you guys. I've always just prided myself on the fact that you guys are so self-sufficient and didn't need me, or even want me around. During the morning annoucements, most of you don't want me to be in the control room at all.

I was at Ms. Smith's memorial service this afternoon and there were many lessons about life and how to live that I heard today. Many of those included the underlying theme of REALLY living life and making connections with people. I'm missing opportunities to spend time with you all. I'll change that. It's the part of my job that I love the most anyway. Believe me, it's not the paperwork!

When I first started studying journalism in college, I really loved that it brought me into a place where I met people. Perfect strangers, with stories. Those stories turned into messages and these messages were there for me to put out there; for people to see. I love the fact that what we do in this class sometimes has the power to change perceptions, opinions, perspective. We have the power to inform, to move people to action or to tears or laughter. I don't take that responsibility lightly and I try to instill it in you all. With that power comes responsibility. And most of the time, I think you all get it. But we also have the power to make deeper connections with those right around us. We must never forget that. I must never forget that.

Do both. Move people with your powerful stories and make deeper connections with those right next to you. You (and your stories) won't be remembered by what you said or what you told people, but how you made them feel.

Good journalists are those with feelings. For this week, I'd like to hear from you about how you connect with people, both with your stories and in your personal life. Maybe the two ways overlap. How can you use what MOVES you and is POWERFUL to you and make it part of your stories? How have you made connections with people in this class? Or with me? Have I or someone in this class said something to you that made an impression on you? How can you make an impression on others? How do you let people into your life and how do you get a glipse into theirs? What is your legacy?


  1. the way i got about my stories is by making people laugh cause im a pretty funny guy, so i try an add a few laughs here an there even if its a serious subject. So i think me legacy will be a funny one...darius M

  2. i really haven't made connectios with people in this class. No one in this class has said somethin to me that as had an impression on me really that i can think of. the way i make impressions on others is to just be myself and make and impressioon that way.

  3. Im a very independent guy. if it was up to me i would do most of the work myself. being this way has cause me not to have too may bonds between my classmates.
    speaking of stories, i like a story that hits hard or has a lot of information. for example the story on nick got me excited because it is that type of story that makes people think of what they do in life.
    next i going to talk to my group on doing our documentary on my ACE program. its a mall flight teaching teens how to fly.

  4. Mostly, I connect to people just by having conversations with them. I like to hear about other people's lives and the way they do things. When i'm doing a story I try to find something similar that has happened in my life, so I can relate to it better and possibly make a deeper connection with the story. I have made many friends through this class and am very glad that I have met those people. I believe my legacy is bringing the band from rock bottom to sky high.

  5. I am connected very well with most of the level 3 students and up, but not really the level 2 students. I'm not sure if it's because i'm constantly working on something away from the class or if i'm just not putting forth that efort. When i'm doing a story i try in everyway possible to make the story connect, not really to me, but to anyone who will eventually see the story and try to make them feel like they are part of the story. I'm not really sure what my "legacy" is and i'm not sure if i ever will know. Maybe everyone else will realize it before i do.

  6. There are many ways to connect people in our stories or just everyday activity but i think that when you are really trying to connect people that you don't really have an connection that would be as good as if it was unexpected. i think the most random things are the most rememberable events or a better connection in my opinion.I don;t know if i have made a connection with anyone within homeroom or the class but i can say there are a couple of people in the class that i can depend on regardless if its help or a good laugh or just something so simple.With me it's not easy for me to let someone into my life because im not as outgoing or I am very careful with who i associate myself with but just ask questions if you want a glipse into someone elses legacy is being me!

  7. I like to connect with people simply by listening and learning about them and their lives and what they like to do and then compare that to my own life and make connections that way i like to think of my legacy as me being a person that people can turn to without them being judged and i like to incorporate this into my stories but never biased in any way

  8. i like to do stories on things that people can relate to and learn from. I think i have good connections with everybody in the class. I know everybody and talk to most of them. You make a good impression on people by being a good role model and showing them what you can do. I like to listen what people say and the silly comments they make. You let people get a glimspe of your life by talking to them and relating to them. I dont really know what my legacy is but i hope its good and that i will be able to find out soon!! :)

  9. When I look into doing a story various things move me. I am interested in situations that can be serious, make you laugh, are creative, and can sometimes be informative. Incorporating this into my stories is what brings them to life. I connect with people in this class because we all have something different to offer and when we come together amazing ideas and stories prevail. People in our class have made impressions on me by being willing to work together, being a helping hand, while also having terrible attitudes. Its just the reality of it. People have their good and bad days, so we just have to adjust at times. When letting people into my life I see if we can relate or have certain things in common before I can just open up to them. My legacy is to shine like the stars in everything I do and keep moving forward with positivity. In my opinion that's the only way to progress in life.

  10. so im a day late shoot me haha. So Im a person that really stresses teamwork with in bvp, or for any matter involing a team effort. So i hope that when im gone that people will just remember that packages, interviews, scripts and etc flow and go much quicker if everyone, and i stress everyone, not just one or two people are doing all the work. As for putting emotion in my stories I like to think to myself what would an average person be hit hard by or what would hit me hard, is it down to earth can people relate. Those are the major questions i ask myself when thinking of story ideas.

  11. Umm, yes I do think that I have made a connection with some people in our class. Most of the people the people in our class are people that I wouldnt usually talk to. But since Im in BVP its made me make new friends. And some of the kids in the higher levels have inspired me to try to work harder and get on there level. The only way I think I can make an impression or help others is to be myself, because thats all that I can be (:


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