A friend of mine and I were talking last weekend and we were marveling at how much the world has changed in the last 15 years. Even countries that existed in our high school geography textbooks no longer exist under their old name, old regime or old cultures. Crazy! Whole countries re-writing their history!
No one, just a mere 15 years ago, could possibly have envisioned the hold that the internet has on everyone....let alone the concept of an online database that will allow you to find anyone, anything, anywhere, anyhow in the blink of an eye. Again...crazy!
It has only been a short time ago in my lifetime when black and white television had only 3 channels (Oh, the horror!). TV dinners, cars with cigarette lighters and ashtrays and the high beam button on the floor, no VCRs, phones with a rotary dial on them and the ability to call long distance ONLY with the help of an operator were all our way of life. If you wanted to look up something you didn't get online, you went to the library and looked it up in the World Almanac.
For the Japanese people, change happened in the blink of an eye. For Libya and Egypt, change has occurred in the matter of a few short months and things will never be the same for those living in Christchurch New Zealand after just a few short minutes.
In this class, I've preached the importance of leadership among you. I've asked several of you, individually to step up to the plate to help me set the bar high for behavior and excellence in production. I've asked that you take others under your wing to help, guide, assist, include and teach. I've told the entire class to be mature and a good example. I've asked that you not waste your time when you have all these tight deadlines and assignments. This is what I've gotten in return: (Read EVERY word here)
A day of flinging mouse pads around the room and leaving them on the floor in a spirited game of...I-don't-know-what, tapes (some without cases) strewn around the edit rooms, not put back as I ask, but laying around unlabled and uncovered...and when cornered about it, a disrespectful sentiment aimed at me comes flying out of your mouth. Disrespectful attitudes and words directed at me when I ask you to bring the equipment back on time, spend some time to label tapes, don't just TAKE equipment out of the room, be back on time, follow directions or put a little effort into your work. Doritos bags stuffed in the edit room drawers, video of sports events that look like they were shot by a 4-year-old, expecting to get credit for just going to an outside project and hanging out with the camera, but not actually operating it for a respectful amount of time, story idea deadlines missed, blog assignments missed, equipment not put back correctly and check out forms not filled out properly...scattered all over the equipment room. Disregard for proper framing techniques, proper audio, soundbites that don't advance your story or add to it in any way, packages that don't inform or even entertain. Not caring what your writing conveys or that you just skate through the course, barely getting by and no pride or work ethic in what you do. No innovative ideas for stories or excitement for the production value. No desire to learn anything new or put in a little extra work to sweeten audio. Scoffing at me when I tell you how it should be done properly or when I correct you or suggest a better, more efficient way to work. Procedures disobeyed such as turning in a script before you edit, coming in late to school with fast-food bag in hand and preceding to stuff it all into your mouth for the first 30 minutes of class, water bottles and drinks brought into the edit bays, leaving the room for the entire period so you can go talk to others, make up work for other classes, chat with your coach or hang with your friends, coming back just in time for clean up. Should I go on?
All this while I'm working my tail off to provide you a new control room, new cameras and new edit suites. This research takes time and I initiated this for you - I contacted the county, I contacted the vendor, I met with the integrator, I negotiated with our principal and I have pursued this change. All this while I'm teaching 3 full classes, maintaining equipment, sending it off for repairs so you would have the best to work with. All this while I'm defending you and your work to our principal, to our administrators and to the teachers who complain that you are loud and disruptive in the hall or walking around not doing anything, when I know you're not working to your full potential. All this while, despite my clear instructions to the contrary, you leave campus, continue to eat and drink around the equipment, leave unlabeled tapes scattered around the room and food particles on the floor and continue to snap your teeth at me with disregard.
I've given you the chance to do the right thing; to change your behavior or to step up to the plate. I've changed deadlines and changed expectations. I've received nothing in return. SOME of you have recognized that Eagle TV is falling into a hole and have tried to resuscitate it by coming up with unique story ideas or have meekly respected my requests for change or tried to step up only to be met with your peers snide comments and sneers.
Well now, I'm changing what we do. I'm also telling you that it has been an incredibly challenging year for me and I'm also ready for a change. Things will NOT be the same. You won't have the same freedoms, you won't be disrespectful of me and my efforts to teach you and we won't be allowed to challenge me without consequences. You won't have the freedom to pursue the stories you want, I will determine how the finished product looks and feels and I will monitor your every move. You will need to sign out every time you leave the room for ANY reason and tell me where you will be and how long you plan to be gone. You will fill out daily work habit forms and will be asked to reflect on whether you used your time wisely or not. Every day will be very structured.
I was hoping that this year would turn out to be the year of positive change. New equipment, new ideas, new stories and new approaches to stories. You know, a transition year where we've gotten excited about what Eagle TV can be. I'm sad that this hasn't happened. I'm also sad that this year has changed the way I look at you, this program and this school. I'm incredibly discouraged and don't feel any optimism that you can change on your own..you know, take control of your own ability to rise to the challenge that is put before you. These are not small changes, but big ones. Small change is no longer an option.
Your thoughts?
I think that the following changes you have choosen are good changes. They need to be made. It is essential that we are prepared for what the future holds. We are in high school and no longer need to be spoon fed. Your changes and rules are necessary and shouldn't be questioned because you are the adult. Yes, some people, including myself, will be upset in the beginning. But in the end we will be more capable of taking on hard tasks and completing them all thanks to you and your change of rules.
ReplyDelete-Stephanie Hunter
The reoccurring theme of no small change is great and I love it. The idea shows that we think that the changes ahead are to be taken for granted with the construction going on at the school. Construction to the school and new equipment seem to go hand in hand, however it is a sad truth that they do not. It just so happens that the same year that was promised to the SCHS BVP class to get new stuff is the same year that SCHS is getting new million dollar add-ons (as Mr. Hosey reminds us almost every morning on the announcements). I think that in order for us to get better we have to go through a period of triviality. It is just like my AP Bio home work I just finished; there's a relationship of structure and function- our structure in the class in undermining our success to create and exude greatness, moreover our function seems to be very crappy (but it is not). Mrs. Waston just as you do, I too see greatness in the students that walk through our red mud ridden thresh hold. As I previously stated we have to go through a hard time to get to a better one, our Red Mud will be a symbol of that. The trail starts off very heavy right where the door opens to the world but as you become more submerged into the world of SCHS BVP the mud trail gets lighter and lighter and is eventually gone. The world outside of the classroom is open to us, we just have to be open to it and go get the stories that are waiting for us. Where the mud is deepest stained that is where we a seem to be at- stuck in a heavy mixture of outside with inside- not able to decipher the difference. We need to move deeper into the world of BVP for that 90mins that we are in the classroom and do our best to get out of the mud trail.
ReplyDeleteWelp, I think these new rules are not so great. For reasons that I can't come up with a good Idea in here, I have to go clear my mind. Sometimes I take a walk sometimes I just sit outside, and it help me empty my mind of the pointless crap, so I can focus on whats Important. Although, I think change is good, but I don't think is should be this much at once I think it should be gradual...
ReplyDeleteMarshall Pierre
ReplyDeleteI agree with alot of the stuff you said. I feel Like yes student take you for granted, and take this class for granted. But i feel like punishing the class and makin the class as a hole pay for action of others is not fair to the people who do what they have to do. I also dont agree with the new weekley period paper we have to do, I feel as though just because you give us a paper to turn in does not mean it will change anything it is easy to write something simple on the paper. I belive there is only so much you can do with students and as a teacher. If student dont listen or want to learn, then do not let them back in the class or write them up. But there is only so much that can be done.
I agree with you, people should not act immature. You should make change, to let your students know your serious & you really wnat to see a change. We should not disrespect you & your class while you are honestly are working on getting us new equipment. I personally dont think the work habit sheet is a good idea, because you want us to be specific & most of the time we really cant be as specific as you want us to be. You shouldnt have to moniter our every move & tell us how i end product should look. You should let us learn on our own & if we need your help you could come assist us. But dont just do it basically. I do think we should rise to the challenge put before as & i am perwsonally readsy for any challenge, im always ready to try & learn something new.
ReplyDelete-Sasha Simon
I feel like you are right about the junkiness , the disrespectfulness, etc. but i also feel like everyone in this class is different with their own pesonalities and how they conduct things. in the begining, you asked who wanted to sign up for this class again, a good amount raised their hand but only a select few were picked. you knew each and one of us and how we acted in your class from previous classes that we attended . i feel like you didnt observe closely enough to see who you really wanted to be in here. the same people that do these things are the same people you hand-picked . just saying . i can only speak on my behave and how i would contribute to this class. i may not know much about editing and how to shoot frames for cameras but i do know how to have self control .i can be a leader by stepping up to my classmates and suggesting what they're doing wrong so they can change it to make your job easier. i do understand that as a teacher you're going through alot and you dont have 26 arms to help people that are in need. i will do my part as my own person and do what i have to do to enjoy this class for the rest of the semester and pass with a decent grade.
ReplyDeleteKierra Rubin
I feel as if everything is changing. My group went from doing everything last minute to strting everything early, but not fully work together. Iunderstand that you are busy, there's alot going on, everyone has their share of problems, but alot of us feel as if we are doing these packages with no help. I believe everyone need to get it together and start doing our part. We need to buckle down and start working harder. Everyone has their own personalities, thoughts, and opinions on any and EVERYTHING that goes on in class. Instead of letting it ruin things, we should put it to good use. We all need to learn self control and how to handle different situations better. I will work harder towards handling my additude and editing. I would like help but I know you can't do everything on your own, so i'll do my part. Sorry, and thank you.
ReplyDeletenapiera barclift
This semester seems to be a lot more stressful than any other. I know for me, it's due to graduation tests and SATs being so close, but it seems that the entire class as a whole is stressed out. Then again, it seems like that's just the whole school this year. I'm not sure how we can get respect from each other at this point, but we can all try and push it aside to get what's needed to be done. You've been extremely leniant in the past, so maybe it's time things get a little more strict. It won't be as fun, but people will get their work done. I believe that despite everything so far, we can make it a good semester and finish strong. Don't let one bad year make you so discouraged. You can't save all your puppies, remember? I guess that could go as semesters, too - not every semester is going to be good and worth remembering.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Kierra to an extent. I mean, come on. We're in HIGH SCHOOL! Shouldn't we know how to act? Atleast in public. I don't care HOW you act in private, but you would think that by the time you reach your junior and senior year, you'd have atleast SOME home training. I am also guilty about this. I don't take the food but I do take the drinks. I'm trying to work on it but it's still hard. I do understand where you're coming from about choosing our projects; however, I do wish to express an argument if I may. My group, even though we goof off a lot, still gets our work done and most of the time, it looks great. Now, I do know that we have had our bad days. But who doesn't? I think that the groups who do their work should be given the freedom of selecting their own packages (obviously with your approval) while the children who constantyl misbehave are lead by the hand.
ReplyDeleteI would have to agree that the maybe most of the class have been wasting time. Espicialy me by not reall doing nothing, not even logs. you could say ive been just siting and not really worring about nothing. so there for i understand where your coming from and why you have to be strict. but iam goin to do my best not to waste the oppertunities that i have in this class by just sittin around.
ReplyDeleteSincerly Juan Millan
I really agree with you Mrs.Watson and i also agree with Juan because the whole classs really do be waisting time and like to get things done the last minute. I feel like theres a time to play and theres a time to get work done and some of us dont understand that at all. This class is really hard for some of us but Mrs.Watson try really hard to make it really simple and easy for us. We all know what we are suppose to be doing or what need to be done there are no excuses why we just sitting around and not doing anything. I dont blame you Mrs.Watson i blame some of us for most of the stuff thats not done.
ReplyDelete-kemberlee pierre
I agree with these changes to an extent. I believe that alot of the people in class think this class is a joke, and that they can do as they wish. But at the same time, I believe that there are a few people in the class that should be rewarded for acting as the should. Not each and every person breaks the rules. Some try and follow them as best they can. But still, I understand where you're coming from.
ReplyDeleteHeaven Johns