We've had some surprises this semester. How do you keep from going crazy when the unexpected happens? Well, you plan for it....the worst-case scenario. You plan for setbacks. That way, when they happen, it's not such a big deal because you have a back up plan.
Let me digress. I certainly didn't plan to have a flood in my room on Monday. And, certainly didn't expect it to happen again on Thursday. But instead of throwing up my hands, my (lesson) plans adapted well to the situation. We worked exclusively in the edit rooms or went out to shoot more footage (that you evidently needed anyway). Beginning class went out to do more interviews and I turned the dehumidifiers and fans on "stun".
So, extended deadline in place, talk about what set you back during this assignment and how you plan to keep that from happening NEXT time. What will you do in order to cushion yourself and your group from getting trapped by the ticking deadline clock? How will you work next week on your next assignment? What, to you, is the value of getting a project finished early instead of past deadline? How do you make that work? Please give me at least a paragraph of reflection here for your blog; but don't waste time staring at a blank page...you've got work to do!