Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To my kids....

Teaching is typically thought of as a one-way endeavor.  It's usually a teacher's job to influence students.  We are given the task of molding minds and shaping young people in an effort to ready them for "the real world", whatever that means.  We teach students how to think logically in math and evaluate story lines in literature and how to find Europe on a map in Geography and how to use the scientific method.  We teach foreign language, sportmanship, how to write an essay and how to play an instrument or put together a newscast.  Very rarely is much attention placed on how much students teach their teachers.   So let me turn the tables on you a little and tell you what YOU have done for me.

You teach me how to juggle.  Having 28 students in one class, all doing different projects, all needing my help or attention and most yelling my name asking for keys, or to check out equipment or to tell me that the edit system has a problem, while others need hugs or discipline or to be chased after is tiring and challenging.  Somehow, I manage to keep all the plates spinning in the air, most of the time without dropping one.  Oh, I'll miss someone's request for my attention here and there, but I almost always get to you.  

You teach me patience.  Watching you SLOWLY learn a new skill is more rewarding than frustrating.  I love seeing you get it and get excited about learning something new, even though it takes you 4 days to learn it!  Before I became a teacher, I had little patience for those who took too long to complete a task.  Usually, I'd end up doing it myself.  I've learned from you that if I wait long enough, you'll get it and to step in and do it myself is a disservice to you.

You teach me that I'm needed and loved.  There are days when I come to work not feeling very good about myself or feeling blue and you always are there for me.  Whether it's because you need me to extract a broken tape out of the VCR or because you notice that I'm a little off and you offer a hug, I feel needed and loved. And, also that Jocelyn (Not Kayla!) wrote in the blog that I was needed more.  There is also the flip side of this and that's when you want me to go away and not be in the control room during a show, or not in the hotel hot tub when you're playing truth or dare at the Student Television Network Convention in Orlando!  

You teach me to ask for what I want.  Because your social "filters" are not always well developed, when you want something you ask for it, no matter how ridiculous or out of touch it might be.  That's refreshing.....and the answer is still "no".

You teach me that friendship knows no bounds or limitations.  When I stand before you every day, I look at a sea of faces that represent a mix of differences.  I see black, white, hispanic, small, medium, large, loud, soft, happy, sad, female, male, talkative, quiet, bossy, submissive, social, lazy, active, and more...all learning, sharing, laughing and enjoying each other's company, in and out of my classroom. I hope that you all keep in touch with each other for years down the road.  

You've taught me that relationships are more important than paperwork or meetings.  I can't tell you how many days I've spent in my office trying to get through piles of work when someone asks me to come look at their video that they are proud of and before long, I realize that there are a bunch of us in the edit room talking and laughing and sharing with each other and I've forgotten about that pile of work.  Of course, the work still needs to get done, but spending quality time with you is more valuable to me in the long run.  I'll remember how I felt when I am around you guys long after I've forgotten what that paperwork was all about.

You've taught me that it's safe to sit back and relax and trust.  On those days when I'm not there, I stress.  Will the show go on?  Will you behave?  Will there be a problem while I'm not there?  Nearly every time, I am delighted that you've taken it upon yourselves, to be adult enough to conduct class and the editorial meeting or do a show when no adult is even in the room.  Some of you have even helped the subs from other teachers in my dept.  I've trained you to be self-sufficient and that is a very valuable life skill.

You've taught me that even though I've never had my own child that it doesn't make me any less of a mom.  I can't tell you how much I enjoyed getting mother's day gifts and text messages all day on Mother's Day saying that even though I didn't give birth to all of you that you think of me as a mom.  What an awesome compliment!  I think of all of you as my children.  I love you just as much as if you were my own.

You've taught me that the expression of love takes many forms.  From hugs that you've given me to notes that you've written to me, to things that you've said to encourage me, to Teacher of the Year videos, to all the wonderful things that other teachers tell me that you say about me and each other makes my heart swell with pride and makes me feel like one special individual.

This is always a tough time of year for me (and no, not just because of the senior video!) because I have to let go of my seniors and the class culture we've built over the year has to give way to a new group of students and a new class culture next year.  This year seems especially difficult for me to let go of.  The seniors that are graduating are students that I've become especially fond of and have close relationships with each and every one of you.  I will never forget your support of me as Teacher of the Year, the ice skating, the band trip, the Kangaroo conservation center, the daily grind of getting your stories done, the hoodies, the music videos (Beyonce') ALL the laughter, your phone calls to make sure I was okay when I had pneumonia and the headaches that sent me to the hospital, the STN trip, the stanky leg, the many, many, many memories that we create with each other throughout the year.  You all are my rock and my hard place!

I have the best job ever!  I never had wanted to be a teacher and even after it fell into my lap, I still wasn't sure.  I'm pretty sure now that I'm right where I need to be and feel like it is alternately the most frustrating and difficult, yet rewarding and exciting job anyone could ever have.  I'm very lucky to have such a great group of students to share my life with; and I hope it's a very long life with lots of sharing.  I love you all with all my heart.  Thank you for being in my life.

Tell me your final thought about this class, your classmates, Eagle TV and give us some closing thoughts.  Then, have a GREAT SUMMER!


  1. awwwwww watson!!! that was so sweet. i had to keep back my tears when you read this to us in class. you are amazing with words the way you put into words exactly how you feel is amazing. i really hope one day i will be able to learn how to do that. you tell us all the time you never stop learning so i will make sure i keep that in mind.

    Of all the teachers that i have come across at south cobb i have connected with you the most... in a wierd kinda way..like im not as close as mechelle or brittany but i feel a bond with you if its just a class editorial meeting or a one on one in your office. you make me feel very comfortable and open to what you have to teach me. its going to be so hard to leave eagle tv behind and focus on the next chapter in my life. but i will never forget all that i have learned in that studio. thank you for everything you have done for me and my peers. you are an incredible person and im so glad i have you in my life...
    thanks momma watson :)

  2. At the end of the semester I liked this class a whole lot more than I did at the beginning. At first I use to almost hate coming to class, but now I ALMOST cant wait to come. Lol.

    And im going to miss all my classmates & graduating seniors soooo much.. and especially you Mrs Watson.. I LOVE YOU GIRRRRLLL :)

  3. Mrs. Watson, Lisa Watson, Watso, Mama Watson, Queen B, Boss Lady, Teacher Of The Year, H.B.I.C ! ( =

    Your AMAZING ! Your a second mother to us. Its hard to find teachers like you theses days. You make us feel like we can tell you everything, and we do lol. We enjoy having an adult to pour our hearts out to! Your class has become a second home to us and we love that! We have learned a lot from you Mrs. Watson, and we hope that you can tell! Your a great person and we thank God that he made a women as kind as you! You are truely special to everyone of us! We love you so much and can't wait to be in your first block next year! Thank you for everything you have ever done for us, from getting a rental car so we can go on our first outside project, to putting us in check when we really needed it, letting us stay in your office so we could "just talk", teaching us how to edit, and plane out being there when we called "MRS. WATSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" lol! Your the best Mama Watson!

    P.S. Were tearing up while writing this, lol ! WE LOVEEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! ( =
    -Christina, Lunna, Angebel, Michelle, Priscilla !

  4. This class has been a home away from home for me..Not only do you teach me about video production but you teach me about job skills. u are one of the best teachers ive ever been taught by and i am so glad you have stuck through all the stress and stayed here at south cobb. you are not only a great teacher but a great person who has always been there for me whether its school stress or stress at home. Thank you soo much for being who u are and i can't wait for another year with you.

  5. The above was posted by Codey.

  6. once again im soooo late responding to the blog lol but who cares... Mrs. Watson you mean so much to me and everybody in Eagle Tv before this class I used to HATE teachers but when it comes to you its a different story. You are a special teacher with an amazing gift. You have changed your students lives in one way or another and not many teachers can do that and i think that is special. I dont think there is one student in your class that doesnt like you and that is very rare in a teacher. You also are the second mom to everybody in the Eagle tv and the reationship that you have with everyone is cherished and will be missed the most. I just wish you can adopt us all! lol you are a role model and inspiration to me and everyone else. You will never be forgotten because you touched all of our lives. You earned the Title MAMA WATSON because thats what you are.


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