Monday, May 9, 2011

The Future...

I clearly remember my dad telling me when I was in college and I was way beyond the point at which I was to declare a major that I should always play it safe and have something to "fall back on". I was considering majoring in broadcasting or in print journalism, but Dad felt like I would have a better chance at finding a job as a Public Relations major. So, that's what I did. I now have a degree in public relations, but ended up working in broadcasting. Go figure.

I've always had a talent with writing. My true dream, however, has always to become a writer. Not just a writer who churns out novels in solitude day in and day out, but a writer who travels, lectures, gives workshops and enjoys friendships and adventure.

I have not had that life. I don't know if it's too late to have that life, but I've decided that I'm going to do everything I can to make me live the closest I can to that dream. I've tinkered with that life.....been published, given talks on writing, attended workshops, and...with you...I TEACH writing. I've dipped my toe in the waters, but haven't yet gone swimming.

Yet, every job I've had throughout my life has prepared me for the next one. I have to believe that if I hadn't gotten that degree in PR, I wouldn't know so much about media relations. If I hadn't known so much about media relations, I wouldn't have been offered the job at the TV station. And, if I hadn't had that job at the TV station, I wouldn't be teaching you broadcasting. So, all that said, I don't regret any of paths that my life has taken me down. I love my job as your teacher and I love you... each and every one of you, my students. You give me joy and laughter and are the reason I come to work every day. I'm blessed that this job found me.

So, as we approach the end of the street of this school year, I want to give you a little advice. Not just the seniors, but all of you. Never, ever, ever give up on your dreams. Make sure that everything you do in your career advances you to your ultimate purpose. Find and recognize that which is your gift and immerse yourself in it, develop it and fine tune it so you are the best. okay with the side roads that life takes you down. Everything you do is preparation for what you will ultimately become. Don't get frustrated that your career is not exactly as you'd like it right now, but realize that you'll get there -- more prepared and well-rounded than ever.

So, for the last blog of the year tell me: What is your passion? What are you great at? What skill do you hope to hone and get better at? What do you like to do? Travel? Help people? Make things? Organize things? Counsel people? Lead people? Tinker with machines? Fix things? How will you use your gift in the future in your career? Have you even figured out what your talent is or what you want to do? What path will life take you down?